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Petition to Stop ORV Damage on Our Land

Stop the destruction and sign the petition to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

February 28, 2020


Our public lands are being severely damaged by illegal off-road vehicle (ORV) use.  The damage impacts endangered species, public safety and your experience in our state parks and forests.  It is the number one threat to preserved land in the state of New Jersey and especially the Pinelands.

It is critical that New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) do much more to stop this growing problem.  The groundwork was laid five years ago when NJDEP staff created a plan to manage motor vehicle access in Wharton State Forest as a pilot project.  Implementation of this plan has languished for years.  We can’t afford to wait any longer.

Will you add your name to this petition?

The NJDEP has the authority and responsibility to stop the destruction of state-owned lands.  Stopping illegal ORV use requires a focused effort that prioritizes enforcement and management of our public lands.  New Jersey must take immediate action to protect critical areas from damage.  The public and our plants and wildlife can’t wait any longer.

Time is running out for some of our wildlife.  What happens on preserved lands directly affects their ability to survive.  For some species, like the Pine Barrens Treefrog, the New Jersey Pinelands provide their best chance at survival. 

Pine Barrens Tree Frog

Our access to safely enjoy these beautiful places is endangered. Please sign the petition today. Thanks for getting involved! Learn more about this important issue >

4 responses to “Petition to Stop ORV Damage on Our Land”

  1. Bobbie Hogg says:

    I walk in the protected Pine Barrens every day. It is criminal to see additional destruction and liter and destroyed land every single time I walk. They just rip up and destroy everywhere they go. On weekends the sound of ORVs can be so loud you would think you were at a race track. We must focus our resources and stop this now!

  2. Nancy Easterly says:

    I’m glad to live in NJ, . . . BUT

    I’m sad to see some of the most significant and beautiful
    parts of our State being destroyed by the illegal use of
    all-terrain vehicles.
    Possibly the requirement for offenders could be to
    attend an educational class on the unique features of
    the Pinelands, followed by service by the class in re-planting
    areas destroyed by their vehicles.

  3. Natalie Houwen says:

    PLEASE STOP ORV damage on our land to PROTECT the endangered species.

  4. Luis Carvajal says:

    We dont pay them to destroy our land

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