Home > Protected: Pine Barrens Plants Database > Calystegia sepium ssp. americana


Calystegia sepium ssp. americana



Flowering plant with white, light pink, or pink flowers. Flowers appear in mid summer and occasionally into late summer. Fruit appears after flowers. The plant grows in wetlands in varying amounts of sunlight.

Plant Overview:

Other Common Names:Hedge False Bindweed
Plant Family:Convolvulaceae
Plant Duration:Perennial
Plant Type:Herbaceous
Bloom Time:Early June to late August, sporadically into September
Fruit Timing:After flowering
Global and State Rank:G5T5, S5
Commercially available landscape plant?No
Soil Characteristics:
Soil Moisture:Wet
Light Needs:
Opitmal Light:Sun to shade
Light Range:Partial Shade, Shade, Sun
Water Needs of Plant:
Soil Moisture:Wet

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