Home > Protected: Pine Barrens Plants Database > Athyrium filix-femina ssp. angustum

Northern Lady-fern

Athyrium filix-femina ssp. angustum



Light green fern growing up to three feet tall. Fronds have twenty to thirty pairs of elliptic leaflets. Widest part of the frond is in the middle. Spores are yellow and mature in the summer. They prefer to grow in moist, acidic soil in part shade in uplands and wetlands.

Plant Overview:

Other Common Names:Subarctic Lady-fern
Plant Family:Aspleniaceae
Plant Duration:Perennial
Plant Type:Ferns
Fruit Timing:Spores mature early July to early Sept
Global and State Rank:G5T5, S5
Commercially available landscape plant?No
Soil Characteristics:
Soil Moisture:Moist
Soil pH:Acidic
Light Needs:
Opitmal Light:Partial shade
Light Range:Partial Shade
Water Needs of Plant:
Soil Moisture:Moist

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