Sean Kane-Holland, testing electric chair and beach mats at Atsion Recreation Area June 2023
Cruisin’ on the Beaches! Cape May County Advances Inclusion On Public Beaches
Cape May County has announced the unveiling of more than a mile stretch of beach that is now accessible for individuals with mobility concerns.
By Sean Kane-HollandJune 10, 2024
Who’s ready to hit the beaches? Exciting reports about accessibility are coming from the southernmost reach of our beautiful state!
Cape May County in New Jersey has announced the unveiling of more than a mile stretch of beach now accessible for individuals with mobility concerns.
This is all made possible by the installation of a beach mat. This mat system provides a flat, stabilized surface atop the soft sand, making it easier for assistive mobility devices like wheelchairs, scooters, crutches, canes, or walkers. Accessibility features like these beach mats allow friends and families to have shared experiences in nature and outdoor recreation, which will only create a healthier lifestyle for all in the community.
If you are in Cape May, NJ, check out the Cape May Promenade which leads to Cove Beach, past Convention Hall. Here, you will find the beach entrance with an accessible beach mat! It is truly amazing to see local communities take on this humbling, well-needed, and deserved initiative for inclusion and accessibility. We hope this news spreads and inspires others to follow suit within their public spaces.
Similarly, Access Nature supported the New Jersey State Park Service (NJSPS) last summer at the Atsion Lake Recreation Area in Shamong, NJ. After facilitated discussion and resources that Access Nature provided to the NJSPS, the recreation area acquired beach mats that allow visitors with mobility concerns down to the water’s edge. To further enhance accessibility and inclusion, Pinelands Preservation Alliance and the Access Nature initiative donated two beach wheelchairs to the site so individuals who need assistance can borrow the equipment while they visit.
You can learn more about Atsion Lake Recreation Area and check out the ADA-accessible beach mat here!
Learn more about ongoing projects for the “Pinelands is for Everyone” and statewide “Nature: Accessible for All” initiatives by visiting The Pinelands is for Everyone webpage. If you are interested in learning how to apply similar outdoor accessibility projects to spaces near you, please get in touch with me at sean@pinelnadsalliance.org