One may encounter about 144 species, many of which breed in the Pinelands. The Pine Barrens is important to many migrating and wintering birds. The forests and swamps of the Pine Barrens provide nesting habitat for about 100 species, including wood warblers and other songbirds. The Pine Barrens is an important area for breeding, feeding, nesting, and resting for a great variety of waterfowl, such as ducks and geese, and magnificent raptors, such as the bald eagle, redshouldered hawk, and osprey. Many of our bird species that rely on the estuary systems benefit directly from the quality water flowing from the Pine Barrens streams and rivers into the coastal estuaries.
Have you seen the brilliant tiny Pine Warbler? These cute yellowish birds are often found high up in pine trees as their name implies. Diet consists mainly of insects and fruits and seeds. Males have a beautiful trilling call. Learn more here.
Click here to visit our Bird Watching in the Pine Barrens page.
Click here to download the Pine Barrens Birds excel spreadsheet.