Experiencing the ADA- accessible Pemberton Lake Trail
Access Nature Wants You! Show Support For The Pemberton Lake Trail Project
We hope you are able to show support for this project to make this nature site, and others, more inclusive and accessible for all.
By Sean Kane-HollandDecember 6, 2023
Hear the bugle call! Express your support for the development of accessible trails in the Pinelands region for individuals with disabilities.
The Pinelands Preservation Alliance, Pemberton Township, and NJ Fish & Wildlife have been working together to make ADA-accessible trail improvements to the Pemberton Lake Trail. Improvements to the 0.6-mile trail include stabilizing the trail surface with stone dust and boardwalk sections to allow more passive recreation for individuals with mobility concerns. A rain garden will also be installed. PPA has been helping with regulatory issues, staff and volunteer labor, and providing funding for this trail project.
We need your help!
The state Pinelands Commission will be holding a virtual hearing to gather public comments on a proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that would allow Pemberton Township to create this accessible trail.
You can attend the virtual meeting and make comments in support of the MOA. Please find information on how to submit comments in writing or by phone in the public notice, available here.
Your support can help pave the way for this and other ADA-accessible projects within the Pinelands!
What: Public Hearing on Proposed Pemberton Lake Trails
When: Wednesday, December 13; 2:00 PM.
Where: Online via Youtube
Watch the meeting via this link, and call in during public comment. Call (929) 205-6099 and use the Meeting ID 899 9943 5854 to share your comments.
Please note if watching live stream: There is a delay on the live stream, so if you call during public comment, you will hear the voice on the phone before you hear it on your computer. As soon as they ask you to speak on the phone, mute your computer and start your comment.
There are no better advocates than yourselves – so please share your opinions and show support for the approval of trail work to improve the accessibility of the Pemberton Lake Trail.
If you are unable to call into the Public Hearing on 12/13, you may also submit a written comment by email (preferred), regular mail, or fax no later than Monday, December 18, 2023
Write to:
Land Use Programs Office
Pinelands Commission
PO Box 359 New Lisbon, NJ 08064
Or Fax: (609) 894-7330
Or email: planning@pinelands.nj.gov
You can read the full draft MOA on the Commission website here.
Let your voices and opinions be heard on this project for the advancement of equity, inclusion, and accessibility for passive outdoor recreation. We hope that you can join us for this hearing.
Please send a copy of your comments about the project to me at sean@pinelandsalliance.org.