Pipeline opponents call for investigation into pattern of drilling spills
Drilling sludge spills into a wetland in the Pinelands on February 19, 2019 (photo from Eastern Inspection Service Co. report)
NJDEP issued a letter on July 8th suspending permits for the construction of the Southern Reliability Link pipeline.
Soon after drilling sludge entered a local stream, an Upper Freehold resident was forced to leave her house.
PPA filed another appeal of the Pinelands Commission’s failure to reconsider their approval in the ongoing South Jersey Gas pipeline saga.
Six years to the day after the first vote on the South Jersey Gas pipeline by the Pinelands Commission, another vote failed to undo its approval.
Pinelands Commission fails to take action at November 8th meeting.
PPA opposes this 30-inch natural gas pipeline that cuts through the Preservation Area of the Pinelands and exposes the aquifer and people to risks.
Share:This video is part of our Save the Source campaign to protect the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer. Learn more at SavetheSource.org.
PPA has led the fight against the South Jersey Gas pipeline, which would traverse the Pinelands Forest Area where it is forbidden unless it primarily serves the Pinelands.