The Kirkwood-Cohansey (K-C) aquifer is a critical source of water in the Pinelands. Ninety percent of the water found in our streams, rivers, and wetlands is supplied by this aquifer system. Additionally, about one million people depend on the K-C aquifer (and its related aquifers) for their drinking water.
Since it is located just beneath the land’s surface it is easily polluted by fertilizers, pesticides and runoff from roads and parking lots.Overpumping of the aquifer can literally drain ponds and wetlands habitats with long-lasting harm to the Pinelands ecosystem as well as cause public and private drinking water wells to fail.
For decades we have pressed the Pinelands Commission to strengthen their rules and better protect the aquifer from excessive withdraws for human use. The Commission and its partners have taken steps to understand factors impacting water levels in the K-C aquifer, and its subsequent impacts on habitat and wildlife. In 2001, the NJ Legislature appropriated $5.5M for the Commission to study the issue; since this time, 12 scientific studies have been completed that form the basis of understanding for the proposed changes to the CMP.
Learn more about the proposed rule changes via our blog post here.
Submit your comments! To view the hearing live, use this link to the Pinelands Commission’s YouTube channel. The public can provide comment during the hearing by calling (929) 205-6099 and using Meeting ID: 815 0448 8031.
The Commission is accepting public comment on these amendments until November 5, 2022. Submit your comments!
Your comments must include your name and mailing address. Comments can be submitted by email to, via fax at (609) 894-7330 or sent directly to the Pinelands Commission office, P.O. Box 359, New Lisbon, New Jersey 08064 to the attention of Susan R. Grogan, Acting Executive Director.
If you have questions please contact Jack McCausland, Water Outreach Specialist at